How does oxygen therapy bring salvation to a heart disease?

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Every year, around the world, millions of people struggle with cardiovascular disease, making it an increasingly acute social problem. Heart disease, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias and many others, is the cause of numerous hospitalisations and deaths.

Of course, considerable progress has been made in this field over the years – indeed, this process is still taking place in front of our eyes, leading to some improvements. However, the number of civilisation-related problems associated with modern (mostly unhealthy) lifestyles means that people in medicine are still searching intensively for effective methods of treatment and therapy for the heart.

One of the most promising approaches is hyperbaric oxygen therapy – an innovative treatment that could be the key to saving the lives of patients with cardiovascular problems.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how oxygen therapy brings salvation to the diseased heart and what the hopes are for its use.

An epidemic of the 21st century?

Heart disease is a serious health problem worldwide, and Poland is no exception. Contrary to popular belief, they affect older patients as well as young people.

Over the last few decades, there has been a marked increase in the incidence of various heart ailments… But why is this actually happening?

Well, the reasons are many. Some of them, as we stated in the introduction, are closely linked to modern lifestyles.

To name a few:

● excessive consumption of high-calorie meals,

● lack of physical activity,

● obesity (usually resulting from the above two factors),

● smoking,

● alcohol abuse.

Of course, there is more, and this short list is just the top of the iceberg. However, these are the factors that increase risk and things we can control ourselves to avoid becoming part of the statistics.

And these are overwhelming.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is estimated that more than 17 million people die each year from these conditions – and sometimes the figures are higher for individual years. Poland’s contribution here is unfortunately significant, as we add around 175 000 deaths to the pool each year.

Alarmingly, diseases of the most important muscle in our body are increasingly being diagnosed even in people aged 30-40.

What to do with such statistics?

WHO data leave no illusions. Heart diseases are a priority health challenge for society. They require a comprehensive response from the world of medicine and science.

Consequently, there is a need for education, improvement of already existing recommendations and procedures, investment in medicine and – what interests us most in this article – the search for new ways to combat and effectively prevent heart disease.

It is therefore time to take a closer look at whether and how hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be part of the solution to this problem.

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

It is a treatment method that uses increased oxygen concentrations and increased atmospheric pressure in specially constructed hyperbaric chambers.

The technique continues to grow in popularity, helped by enthusiastic feedback from researchers. It is an established form of therapy for a variety of conditions, including those related to the cardiovascular system.

In a nutshell, it involves breathing pure oxygen at a higher pressure than is possible under natural conditions. The person operating the chamber can monitor the conditions inside at any time and, thanks to the placement of windows in the chamber, can see what is happening to the patient. (There are also other forms of communication, such as the use of a walkie-talkie.)

What are the main advantages of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of heart disease?

Among these, we can highlight aspects such as:

● Improved oxygen access – Thanks to the increased concentration, oxygen can be delivered to even the most anaemic areas of the body. This means that organs (including the heart) receive much more of it than under normal conditions, which can support their health and regeneration.

● Reduction of inflammation – Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can lead to a reduction in inflammation that often accompanies heart disease. Reduction of inflammation is important in the healing process.

● Increase vascular elasticity – The effects of oxygen therapy can help to make the blood vessel walls more flexible, which contributes to improved blood flow.

● Improving tissue regeneration – Oxygen therapy stimulates tissue regeneration and wound healing, which is beneficial when it comes to heart damage.

This innovative form of therapy can be used as a complementary method for the treatment of various heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease or arrhythmias. It also improves the health of people who have undergone a myocardial infarction.

Consult your doctor first

The old and proven rule still applies: before undertaking any procedure affecting your health, discuss it first with a specialist.

Especially as there are certain contraindications to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (fortunately, the list is relatively short).

So go first to your doctor, who will assess, based on his or her knowledge and the tests carried out, whether this is a suitable option in your case.

Oxygen therapy as part of heart disease prevention

Concrete figures have already been mentioned in this article, so let us draw attention to another statistic quoted by the WHO: heart conditions are responsible for nearly one third of deaths across the whole of humanity.

Many of these deaths could be avoided or delayed with appropriate prevention and treatment.

And let us mention that this is not only a physical suffering, but also an economic burden. After all, heart disease requires long-term treatment and high hospital costs. It is not only a problem for individuals, but also for entire countries. The problem is all the greater because, as a result of modern lifestyles, it no longer affects only the elderly.

So what should effective prevention be based on? The key elements are:

● a healthy diet,

● regular physical activity (not necessarily in the form of sport; sometimes walking as a leisure activity can improve the situation),

● quitting smoking,

● moderate (or no) alcohol consumption.

But hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also be an important weapon in the reduction of cardiovascular disease. This is because it is a non-invasive, holistic treatment and is not necessarily exclusively associated with medicine – you do not need to be ill and have a referral from a doctor to enter a hyperbaric chamber.

Overall, oxygen therapy leads to improvements in health in so many areas that it is an effective preventative measure against many diseases, not just cardiac ones.

Hopes for oxygen therapy

Although it is relatively new in the context of treating heart disease, it brings with it great hope and optimism among the medical community. The research and observations carried out so far only confirm its salutary effect on the body.

Let us therefore turn the spotlight over to a specialist. Dr Myrvin H. Ellestad, director of the Memorial Heart Institute at California’s Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, admits: – It is hoped that hyperbaric therapy for cardiogenic shock will reduce the oedema (fluid accumulation) in the pericardial sac.

This single aspect already raises great hopes. This is because pericardial oedema puts pressure on the heart and interferes with its normal function.

Other scientific studies indicate that oxygen therapy can provide important support in the event of a myocardial infarction. In what way? By improving oxygen access to the ischaemic areas of the heart, which helps the damaged tissues to regenerate more quickly.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, treatment in the chamber helps to reduce inflammation, which often accompanies heart disease. Much of the research on oxygen therapy in the context of this muscle is still at an early stage. Nevertheless, clinical observations provide optimistic evidence of its effectiveness.

This, in turn, is making it an increasingly recognised tool in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular conditions, and doctors see it as a hopeful way to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

The prospects are promising. Perhaps the enormity of the heart disease death problem, overwhelming for today, will be drastically reduced in the long term by the increasing number of hyperbaric chambers.

So let’s focus on the last point….

Where can I undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of heart disease?

Oxygen therapy is becoming increasingly available and popular in many regions of the world – including our country. Just a few years ago, it could only be used in a few specialised medical centres. Today, hyperbaric chambers are increasingly being found even in fitness clubs or beauty salons.

To help you find them, use the simplest tool possible: a Google search. Type in the phrase “hyperbaric oxygen therapy” and the name of your town or city and you will certainly get some specific results.

If not, you can always ask your doctor. Remember that he or she is the one you should consult about the possibility of undergoing therapy before you go to the right place.

Before entering a hyperbaric chamber for the first time, make sure that the entire procedure is carried out under the guidance of qualified personnel. (As far as we are concerned, for example, when we sell our chambers to someone, we provide specialised training, effectively covering the subject.) It’s a good idea to do some reconnaissance before the procedure and make sure that the person supervising it is knowledgeable.

One final note: follow the instructions of the staff, especially in the context of items you need to leave outside the chamber. As the procedure requires the absence of certain cosmetics or stimulants, call the place where you plan to undergo oxygen therapy, preferably a few days before the fact – you will certainly be given all the necessary information.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy – a potential ‘gamechanger’ in the fight against heart disease

As heart disease continues to be an acute public health problem, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is emerging as a promising tool in the fight against this global challenge.

And while it is not the only solution to cardiac problems, it can be an effective adjunct to traditional therapies. Its ability to deliver oxygen to anaemic areas of the body, make blood vessels more flexible and reduce inflammation, make it a valuable weapon in the arsenal of physicians.

It is therefore worth considering whether this form of therapy might be right for you… or for someone you know who is struggling with heart conditions.

Therefore, we strongly encourage you to share this article with your loved ones. Let them know that they have a powerful new ally in the fight against cardiovascular disease!

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